Rabobank – YNAB conversion script

Posted by Eddo on August 4, 2014

Since the beginning of this year I have been using You Need A Budget (YNAB) to keep track of my income and spending, and the Rabobank allowed me to create exports in a format that could be imported into YNAB (via a specific conversion tool). However, since July 1st the Rabobank doesn’t support the export of that .mut format anymore, and only supports exporting through CSV. This has been causing me a bit of pain, and therefore I started thinking about writing my own conversion script. Since I am a software engineer focused on PHP, the technology was decided on pretty quickly … it took me a while to find the specifications of the exported CSV, but found them: link (in Dutch). Thus came up with the following script, which has been working for me so far.

Download script

Documentation Example:

php YnabCsvConverter.php ~/Downloads/transactions.txt

Rabobank exports are named transactions.txt, but any name will do. The script requires you to run php within your command line environment, and has been developed and tested on Mac OS X 10.9. The script creates separate, YNAB compatible CSV files for each individual bank account it can find within the provided CSV.

Note: Will not provide any support on this script. Have updated the link to the Github repository, where I will provide support should you wish it, or otherwise create your own branch ;-).

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