The intentional disconnect

Posted by Eddo on December 8, 2015

The world today is filled with people being connected all the time, sharing tweets, instagram photos and Facebook posts. I myself am also guilty of doing those things, and my iPhone practically doesn’t leave my side during the day. Being connected all the time has its advantages, but also the drawbacks.

What would happen when I simply stopped being connected to the whole world some time? A whole year offline might be a bit too much for me, like Paul Miller did, but intentionally putting my iPhone, iPad and laptop away for some time every day would not hurt, right? Do you have to be reachable all the time?

The first draft of this article was written on my iPhone, where my Baron Fig Confidant was also within arms reach .. what does that say about me? Guess that it was a bit easier to get this article started on my iPhone and to continue with it on another device, without having to copy my scribbles. But yeah, I sometimes think that I’m also quite attached to my phone, and that I should put it away much more often than I do now, but then I start reading ebooks on my iPad, and end up browsing the internet.

Using the iPad over a separate ereader + tablet was a conscious decision, maximizing the usability of one device. The way it is being used is the responsibility of the user, not the limitations of the device. Using the device with intent should be the mantra, and focus on what you planned to do. Writing on an iPad can be distraction free, due to the single screen and pre-iOS9 inability for splitscreen on the newer iPads, and so is reading also.

A few quick hints to help:

  • Disable app notifications

  • Enable do not disturb; on iOS this will allow for people to reach you in case of emergencies, though won’t distract you otherwise

Multitasking isn’t something we humans are good at, although there are exceptions of course. When having a dinner or a conversation with someone, shouldn’t you give that other person your full attention, instead of letting the bleeps on your phone take over priority?

P.S. If you’ve enjoyed this article or found it helpful, please share it, or check out my other articles. I’m on Instagram and Twitter too if you’d like to follow along on my adventures and other writings, or comment on the article.