And what are you doing?

Posted by Eddo on January 21, 2014

Yeah, I do know that 2014 has already started about a few weeks ago, and that most of what I’ve been working on so far has started already. However, it is my opinion that the three major changes in 2013 (i.e. New job, new girlfriend, and a new house) have led me to this point, where reaction follows action.

The first project that I started a few weeks ago is to take a photo every day of something meaningful that depicts that particular day, and publish that photo online on twitter on that same day (usually via my instagram channel). My personal goal with this project is to improve my photography skills, and force myself every day to be creative. When the project progresses, might even become more strict with weekly themes. In the gallery that sets off this post are a few examples of my photos from this project.

What are you doing this year? By no means it is obliged to start something from January 1st, any other will do as well … just do something that satisfies and thrills you in some way.

P.S. If you’ve enjoyed this article or found it helpful, please share it, or check out my other articles. I’m on Instagram and Twitter too if you’d like to follow along on my adventures and other writings, or comment on the article.